Watts of pain

In deep contemplation before the carnage.

The infrequent times I train with pros (in any discipline) remind me of why I’m usually ensconced in the safety of a cubicle writing software.

Jason of Sager Sports came to visit for the holidays and the training mobile was back in action, although the RV was mostly a wall on which to lean bicycles and gear.  The weather was spectacular and the scenery breathtaking… the suffering, not so much.

Seeing that our paces are so disjoint, we each went our separate ways, only meeting back at the house for food and snacks.  Unfortunately, somewhere along the 4th day, Jason matter-of-factly said: “we’re going on a 100km” ride through the mountains.  I looked over my shoulder and seeing that no one else was around, I panicked.  On the select times when Jason graces me with his presence on a bike ride he has one of two things in mind: doling out humble pies or just taking it “easy” because he’s tired from his own training. Unfortunately easy for him, is 300W of pain for me.

6500 ft of elevation gain later, I was humbly back thinking how great it was to write software for a living, and ready to eat a supermarket’s worth of food.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and I’m plenty tired to merit some pictures instead of the usual barrage of nonsense.  So without further ado, here are some random before and after pictures. You’ll clearly see I got the new 2014 Racing Apparel kit this week. Yee haw!  Beautiful stuff!