Do it anyway

Bob and I
Office on wheels

There is this episode of Friends where Chandler  asks Joey if he’s ever had an impotence episode.  Joey thinks for a while and admits he has.  Chandler asks “so, what did you do?”.  Joey shrugs his shoulders and says, “I did it anyhow”.

So what do you do when you have no vacation time, but you want to go on vacation?  That’s right, you do it anyway!

My Christmas gifts this year were 3 chickens (which have yet to lay eggs, and are looking more like chicken stock material), and a Bob trailer. Yanory and I want to cross the Andes with it later this year, but I’m dying to try it right now.

It turns out Yano is taking a CRNA test review in Florida this week, so it seems like the perfect time to stay behind. The perceptive reader would ask why would someone who routinely scores in the 95th percentile on official practice tests need a review? That of course, is beyond me. When I scored 51 percentile on my ACT/SATs I was ready to take on the world! I concluded, “it’s official, I’m smarter than most”. I was obviously ignoring the fact that 49 of people are smarter than me, but who cared. Yano, on the other hand, seems to have a grudge against that other 5% who did better than her, and expects this review will help narrow the gap.

So… no wife, no vacation time, a bike trailer, a tent, and a laptop: sounds like a working holiday to me! There are a few open questions, like where I’ll camp given that Puerto Rico is the least traveller-friendly country in the world, and what I’ll do come Monday when I need to pick Yano up at the airport… but I’m sure it’ll all work out in due time. Besides, how bad can it be?… I have an internet capable phone, and worse comes to worse, Tato can bail me out with his pick-up. We’ll see…

In the immortal words of Heber, who just came back from doing most of South America with another Bob, “when choosing a course of action, do either the most extreme, or whatever pisses off the most people”.

I leave tomorrow. Expect updates throughout.

p.s. Oh yeah, I’ve never really camped. And the only times I’ve been in a tent, Yano has set up everything. She says tents are moron-proof, but I think she underestimates the creativity of the average moron.

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