All posts by aldyh

About aldyh

I was born.

Blame no one but yourself

There’s a saying in Puerto Rico that roughly translated says– “it’s not the same to call on the devil than to see him come”. Be careful what you wish for…you may just get it.

The past year has been tempestuous yet jawdroppingly inspiring. I’m unmarried for the first time in almost a decade, and though the first day or two were a bit frightening (for obvious reasons), the rest of the trip has been scary for entirely unexpected reasons.

You see, we all have plans and dreams for the future, and sometimes we unexpectedly put them on hold only to realize that we’ve lost ourselves in the process. Coming to the realization that accomplishing those plans and dreams are entirely within ones reach is scary. You can no longer blame anyone else for your failures or plans left undone. You are the master of your own ship, the skipper of your own boat.
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Bored of the easy life

I’m ashamed to say that my friends have told me I have an easy
life. I don’t know why I’m ashamed to admit it, but it’s true– I
have an easy life. I wake up without an alarm clock every morning.
I’ve been known to leave in the middle of the day to ride my bike
through forests and scenic highways. I’ve even been known to sleep
during business hours. Overall, I think most of my life’s
inconveniences are self-made.
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Faking my way through life

I admit it.  I’m not a perfectionist.  I kinda do a half-assed job of most things, mainly because functional is more convenient than pretty. Early on in my programming life I tried my hand at graphical user interfaces.  I failed miserably.  After the program worked, I found it somewhat pointless to make it look pretty.  That’s probably the reason why I work on compilers and software tools– computer programs that will NEVER be seen by the naked eye, let alone by my friends and family.  Compilers are those things that you just pray to god works, because no one wants to take a look inside.  Somewhat like the master cylinder in your car brake system.
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Huge tracts of [marijuana] land

The northernmost bits of California are surreal.  They’re filled with so many trees and forests that they actually cut them down for money (and they keep growing back).  There’s more marijuana plants than people. *AND* the migrant workers are actually white (as are the McDonald’s and Taco Bell employees).

My friend Cory hooked me up with a friend of his in Eureka, and I had the privilege of hanging out with Brad for a handful of days.  This rock star of a guy not only works finding homeless veterans assistance, but sits on the board of non-profits just for fun, meanwhile able to run up-hill as fast as Anais, my former pet goat.
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Midlife crisis and a side of duck eggs


My 20th birthday found me in a youth hostel in downtown Rome.  My 30th, crossing the Alps on a bike.  So I figured my 40th should be something special, albeit adapted to the life of a senile, mid-life man, who has expanded his vocabulary to include big words such as prostate and dysfunction.

So here I am.  My forties found me, having sold everything, moving into a motorhome, and touring the US and Canada, with two bikes and a dog in tow.

A friend of mine once told me that I was a collector of stories.  I think that aptly summarizes me– at least for a big chunk of the time. I love to live a good story and then retell it; to the point that sometimes I wonder whether I’m just experiencing life merely to tell a good tale.

I left a few weeks ago, searching for a tale– having installed solar panels to get my work fix, and carrying more laptops and gizmos than Inspector Gadget.
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