I’ve been backpacking around the world since 1994, and having all this free time with my aforementioned leave of absence, has made me realize that there’s this wealth of traveling information I have unconsciously accumulated over the years. I’ll try distilling a few fragments over the next few months, but I’d like to comment on what seems like intuitive knowledge for me but is somewhat lost on most guys from the looks of it.
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All posts by aldyh
So long and thanks for all the fish.
My 5th grade report card came back with the phrase “consistently uses time wisely” plastered on the behavior section of the card addressed to the parents of Aldy Hernandez. I knew I was in trouble. I didn’t know what “consistently” meant, but judging from what was usually scribbled in the behavior section, I was sure it involved being grounded. I didn’t know what “consistently” meant, but I sure knew what “potential” meant, as my reports cards usually had some variant of “Aldy has the potential to become a top student if only…[he would stop talking during class, not get into fights, refrain from pulling girls’ hairs, etc etc]”.
Continue reading So long and thanks for all the fish.
Play nice and bait the nerds

Over the years, I’ve noticed that regardless of the work I’m thrown at, I usually get my work done, and more often than not, I get it done on time. However, there are a plethora of engineers that are wayyyy better than me. After all, I get to work with some of the brightest engineers I’ve ever met. Interestingly, however, not all of them get their patches in, or their work done in a timely fashion, which has got me thinking… call it old age, reminiscing, or too many beers. Â What makes it easier to ship things on time when you need to appease so many people in an open source project?
I’m actually quite happy to be surrounded by very smart people. That in part, has been part of my secret. Surround yourself with people much smarter than you, and entice or coerce them to review your work. Everyone’s better in the process.
A colleague once told me, “in our industry, smart is a dime a dozen, but people you actually want to work with… that’s a very small subset”. I really hope he meant me. Then he added, “and people that also ship stuff on time– that’s very rare”. And that has been my goal at work for a long time: be that guy– be the guy that ships stuff on time, and is a joy to work with (well, mostly ;-)).
The day my dad and I got into a fight
The last time I got into a real fight was in 6th grade. I can’t remember what caused it, but I’m pretty sure I started it. It was a new student named Tien and he pushed all the wrong buttons in me. I just couldn’t stand him– and for no reason at all. After one of many fights with him, I came home looking like I’d been dragged through the mud (I was), and he went home with the mark of my tennis shoe stamped on his face. The next day, they found the culprit by examining everyone’s shoes, and I was dumb enough to wear the same shoes.
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The other side of fear

Last week I went climbing for the first time ever. Â I’m afraid of heights. Â Not clinical phobia afraid of heights, but “very uncomfortable with the idea of falling” afraid of heights. Â I didn’t confess this to my climbing partners until I was at the top, and couldn’t maneuver myself into letting go and hanging back down. Â There’s something unnatural about jumping into the abyss, whether it be attached to a climbing rope, a bungee cord, or a parachute. Â Ironically, I’ll probably end up doing all of the above in the next few years.
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