The exercise dictator decided to take it easy. Â I only had to run 7 miles before a breakfast of coffee and toast. Â What I didn’t know was that it would be followed by a Free Walking Tour of Krakow (which I was told, is not pronounced “Crack-hoe”). The walking tour was quite enjoyable, and I only starting feeling dizzy at the end of the 2.5 hour walk. Unfortunately, it was so good, that the boss decided to do another walking tour, this time through the Jewish Quarter of the city. This is how another 4 torturous miles started. To add insult to injury, we were so late to catch our next train that we had to jog another 2 miles to the train station with 50 lbs on our backs (damn heavy laptop).
Obviously, we collapsed after pretty much an entire day running, jogging, or walking, all on a few slices of toast and a quick lunch at McDonald’s. I’m sure I’ll need no sleeping pills on the flight to London…